Thursday, June 10, 2010

Favorite quotes from Carrie Fisher...seriously

"A fly is as likely to land on shit as it is on pie."

"If my life weren't funny it would just be true, and that is unacceptable."

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Top Ten Most Overrated Movies Of All Time

10. Ray- Jamie Fox was believable. That said, the dialogue to this film was so horrifically cliché and contrived it was almost laughable. And if someone could please explain to me why, with all the money that was pumped into this film, they insisted on using “clever” wipes to cut between scenes? Were they originally intending to screen this in a High School Language Arts class? And star wipe and cut.

9. Dirty Dancing- I must be missing some innate feminine gene that almost every other woman clearly possesses. 100 min of Jennifer Greys honking schnoz , something about a back alley abortion, an excruciating soundtrack (seriously? This movie won an Oscar for Best Original Soundtrack?), and a seriously un-Roadhouse Swayze. Next.

8. A Clockwork Orange- I just don’t get it. Seriously. What the hell is so amazing about this movie? Enough said.

7. Ferris Bueller's Day Off- I don’t hate this movie, I just don’t understand what everyone thinks is so uproariously funny about it. I have never laughed, not once, not a chuckle, not a giggle, not a teehee, nada.

6. Kill Bill II- I loved the first Kill Bill. It was fun, lots of people died. So what the hell happened? The second installment was such a chore to sit through. What happened to all the sword fighting? Every time there was an opportunity for one they passed on it. What the fuck do you think I paid ten bucks for? Not to sit through boring drawn out dialogue and an unbelievably long, pointless scene of Michael Madsen having problems at work. And the end? Are you kidding me? I could have Mad Libbed a better ending then remembering the security code to stop Carradines heart.

5. District 9- Oh god, I was so bored by the end of this social shit fest. It took an hour to finally get into the plot, you know that little thing that makes the movie reel go round, and by the time they did I just didn’t give a shit anymore. I didn’t. Fuck you aliens, fuck you humans, and apparently fuck you South Africa of the future. Congratulations District 9.

4. Up- Started out promising enough. Little old man likes his balloons. A lot. I enjoyed the wrinkled curmudgeon enough to suspend all disbelief (catch the bad pun?) and embark on his high flying adventure, but that little tubby bastard who tagged along was the beginning of the end. Add a creepy, annoying prehistoric bird and not one, not two, but an army of irritating talking dogs with pilot’s licenses and you have a plot that was just too much for me to choke down.

3. Lost in Translation- This film to me was the equivalent of going to someone’s house and watching home movies of their vacation to the water park, or the cheese curd festival, or whatever. You don’t give a shit and you just want it to end. The plot is the equivalent of watching one hundred and two minutes of a cat chasing its own fucking tail. I would advise Sofia Coppola to stick to ruining third installments of major films, much more entertaining.

2. Scarface- Normally we fall in love with characters because we get to vicariously follow them as they grow, change, and transform before our eyes (for better of for worse). Scarface offers none of this. Tony Montana, as a character, is just so flat and one dimensional it makes one wonder why the hell they are watching him for so god damn long. There are much better mafia/drug lord movies out there to invest your time in. Oh but you just bought an overpriced black and white still from Congratulations, you are as mediocre and predictable as every other dorm room rat and rap star on Cribs. Just make sure you have space for your Che Guevara, The Kiss, and Bob Marley posters too. This movie is not number one simply because it has allowed for some fantastic parodies

1. . Napoleon Dynamite- I hate everything about this film. I did not laugh once. That is because it is not funny. It is just simple logic. The end.

P.S. You are not funny for wearing a “Vote for Pedro” shirt. Nor are you clever, or witty, or quirky, or, for the love of god, original. So just stop.